Songdrawing training – Full day (Level I) – Music Therapists


Songdrawing Training – Full day (Level I) for Music Therapists

Saturday 18th November 2023

9.30am – 3.30pm

Location: Claremont Project, Upper Hall, 24 White Lion St, London N1 9PD

Book and CD: No postage payment needed as you can pick up at training. However, if you’d like your book prior to the training, I am happy for you to pick one up from Leeds/Bradford or I can post for a small fee. Email to confirm.

Digital materials: This includes 2 years of online access

Support: This session also includes a 1 hour online support session 4-6 months after completion to check-in and to share successes.

Category: SKU: N/A
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Laulau’s Songdrawing method training day provides a holistic and creative way to teach music and arts in EYFS and KS1, as well as build on social and emotional skills and motor control. The day includes hands-on training to give teachers the confidence to deliver and adapt the method in the classroom. The method hits all areas of the EYFS curriculum and is delivered by an experienced primary school teacher with experience in all key stages.

The methods helps with those SEN children and has been proven to have benefits for speech/communication as well as motor skill development.

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Training, Training with Book and CD, Training with Digital Materials, Training with Book, CD and Digital Materials